About Frederik

Frederik Vergote

Born july 8th 1982 in Bruges

Married and father of a daughter Eloise and son Simeon.

Residence: Belgium, Ruddervoorde

Inspired by the great Ayrton Senna

Personal motivation quotes

Somewhere , someone is practicing. And when you meet him in head to head competition, he will beat you.

If you believe you can’t, you can’t. If you believe you can , you can.


Een gedachte over “About Frederik

  1. Congratulations with your nice website and your challenging step into Dutch Formula Ford. I noticed your driving an Ex Vuik Racing Mygale with Zetec 1.8L. If you’re going to change or make plans to go into Duratec 1.6FF, we’re more than willing and interested to talk about an interesting deal for the engine, since we have one on stock. We’re well facilitated and can rebuild your Zetec as well off course.
    Hope to hear from you in the near future.

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